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Welcome to Indivisible Beaufort SC
We are...

a local group of concerned citizens from various backgrounds and political persuasions, committed to defending the earth, our rights, and our democracy. We are all patriots who want the best for our country and are willing to work for it. 


Indivisible Beaufort is a non-partisan group that encourages diverse viewpoints, constructive debate and peaceful advocacy. Our members act to engage our elected officials and make our voices heard to advance our mission. We are part of a nationwide organization of local grassroots groups that share common goals.


Our grassroots…

sprouted and took off after the 2016 election to protect democracy, and instill humanity, compassion, and values that we had taken for granted at the local, state, and federal levels. Our work is still critically important today.


Our mission…

is to defend our earth, our rights, and our democracy through actions based on our core principles of truth, justice, and inclusion.


Our values…

are to uphold democratic principles and ideals, not only in the political sphere but also in our day-to-day interactions with one another. This means stressing inclusivity, equality, respect, and empathy, in both speech and behavior, especially in times of disagreement.


Our actions…

are focused on peaceful political and educational activities, engagements, and advocacy that are most impactful and relevant. We frequently partner with and support organizations that share our mission and values.


Stay informed…

by just signing up to get our newsletter.  

No dues. No membership requirements. No hassle. No email inbox stuffing communications.  Only a concise newsletter when there is some urgent issue, announcement or important information to share.


We meet…

once a month with informative presentations and discussions relevant to current issues and enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded folks.  You’ll know when and where if you sign up for our newsletter.  Give it try.


Join our email list. 



©Indivisible Beaufort SC

Website by Galen Studio

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  • Beaufort Indivisible on Facebook
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