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Who we are

Indivisible Beaufort SC formed after the 2016 election to protect the democracy, humanity, compassion and values that we had taken for granted at the local, state and federal levels. Our mission statement is “To defend our Earth, our rights, and our neighbors through actions formed by our core principles of truth, justice, and inclusion.”


Members of Indivisible Beaufort, SC come from all kinds of backgrounds and political persuasions. Some of us are first-time activists and others have been at this for a while. Most importantly, we are all patriots that want the best for our country and are willing to work for it. 


More than 500 people, mostly in northern Beaufort County, have signed up to learn more about our organization. We are part of the national movement of more than 6,000 chapters across the country that formed within weeks of the presidential election.


Our Actions

Our team will take relentless nonviolent action, focusing on as many direct political actions and engagements as meetings held. Our team will act as one organization, united through excellent communication within and between teams and members, coordination of major actions, and focus on our shared vision.


Our team will hold meetings that show we value the time of our volunteers, hear the voices of all, and choose deliberate next steps.


We influence our Members of Congress (MoCs) by expressing our views in several ways: 

  1. Meeting with our MoCs and their staffs at their local offices

  2. Attending MoC sponsored events, especially town halls

  3. Calling (Each week, Indivisible members make many calls to MoCs) 

  4. Media: Indivisible Beaufort SC is a growing chapter of the burgeoning Indivisible movement. The media is taking notice and we intend to use that attention to influence our MoCs and public policy. 


We influence local issues too, such as the plastic bag ban and actions regarding local immigration policies.


Our Values

Our team will uphold democratic values, not only in the political sphere but also in our day-to-day interactions with each other. This means inclusivity, equality, respect, and empathy, in both speech and behavior, especially in times of disagreement.


Our team will assume every member is acting with best intentions. We will educate each other generously and will search for common ground. We will speak truth to power. We will not employ deception or underhandedness.


Join us

Join an Issue Team, attend a meeting, or just use the links we provide to jump-start your personal activism. We support your efforts to make a difference.


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