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Education is a fundamental right in our country yet astonishing inequality and discriminatory unequal access persists.  New threats and challenges to our education system are emerging.  Our team keeps a close eye on risks to better education and takes action where opportunities arise to make a difference. 

Click here to see our activities.

Contact Susan Julavits to join our effort:


From local issues like banning plastic bags and offshore drilling, to global challenges such as climate-threatening CO2 emissions, our team researches the issues and works to influence actions at all levels to protect our environment.

Click here to see our activities

Contact Venaye Reece to join our effort:


There have been substantial gains in public and private insurance coverage since 2013. The uninsured rate has dropped to a historic low. Coverage gains were particularly large among low-income people living in states that expanded Medicaid. Still, millions of people remain uninsured and with current threats to the system, that number is likely to increase, along with the cost of insurance, unless we take action.  Monitoring the threats, keeping us all informed and initiating action for positive change is the mission of our team.

Click here to see our activities

Contact Anne Dickerson to join our effort:


Impartial fairness, i.e. justice, is a foundation of our democracy.  It’s probably never been perfect but few times in our history has it been under such attack:  civil rights, economic inequality, diversity, and criminal justice.   Our team closely watches and assesses these dangers and works independently and in partnership with other organizations to promote truth and justice.

Click here to see our activities

Contact Carol Corbin to join our effort:


Our team is the spark that ignites the fires of our actions across all of the issues we seek to influence.  Whether it is contacting members of congress, petitions, rapid response or tactics and training, we work with the issue-focused teams to make it happen.

Contact Blaire Areaux to join our effort:


The Indivisible Beaufort’s mission to be the loudest and strongest voice for our causes in Beaufort.  We work with our issue-focused teams to facilitate that loud voice and assure we are connecting effectively with all of our stakeholders including participants, partners, policy influencers, various publics and among ourselves. We execute using traditional media such as newspapers, flyers, fact sheets, letters; and digital media such as social media, our website, newsletters, and email.


Contact Brad Beck


Beaufort Indivisible is nonpartisan and fully inclusive.  All are welcome and our team works to connect with new stakeholders and welcome all participants, partners and community groups with synergistic goals.


Contact Carol Corbin to join our effort:

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