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Lindsey Graham berating Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford, September, 2018
We’ll need to fund and run a full-scale campaign, expose his flip-flopping about Trump, reveal his lack of integrity, and mobilize on the ground to get out the vote.
We have developed a three-pronged approach that we believe, once properly funded and executed, will help defeat Lindsey Graham in 2020.
Publicize His Record
Holding Lindsey accountable and exposing his record to South Carolina voters through mock town halls, protests, digital ads, billboards, TV, radio, and so forth.
Work on the Ground
Mobilizing voters and volunteers through grassroots organizing across South Carolina.
To make Lindsey Graham vulnerable and support his opponent we need grassroots fundraising.
Publicize His Record
We’ve begun to publicize his record in several ways. We’ve gotten lots of publicity for an Empty Chair Town Hall held in Beaufort County, where citizens read his pre-lapdog statements about Trump and his post-lapdog statements about Trump. We’ve sent letters to the editor; we’ve held demonstrations at his fundraisers, and we’ve been calling and visiting his offices around the state.
Now it’s time to amplify this message. We need to reach a broader audience. After the 2016 election, Pew Research surveyed citizens about their general world views. They then demarcated 8 types of voters that run from Core Conservatives to Solid Liberals. We believe that the most efficient use of messages is twofold—first to reach everyone in South Carolina with our messages through billboards, and second to hyper-target specific types of voters through digital advertising.
We want to build the narrative that Senator Graham has lost the trust of South Carolinians because of his flipflopping on his support for Trump and his support for Brett Kavanaugh, an accused sexual predator. Our messages will be short phrases like: “Lindsey Graham defends corruption.” “Lindsey Graham protects sexual predators.” And so forth. The more these messages circulate, the more vulnerable Graham becomes.
Work on the Ground
Across South Carolina, volunteers who care about democracy and decency will be canvassing neighborhoods to get out the vote. In addition, they will reinforce the messages we have amplified through media about the need to unseat Lindsey Graham.
These canvassers will be trained in how to approach opposition, how to discuss the issues without alienating other’s viewpoints, and how to leave people with a sense of hope for change. They will need literature to hand out, and GOTV door hangers just before the election to remind people when and where to vote.
To make all this possible, we need to raise funds from across South Carolina and across the US. This is not just South Carolina’s fight, although our votes will make the difference. This is a national fight to return integrity to the Senate and to send a message to Trump surrogates that we will not be bullied by their hate.